A local offer is a single place for information, services, and resources offered to support children and young people who have special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities from birth to age 25.

The Local Offer will help you understand what is on offer to support children and young people with SEND and their families.

You can use the Local Offer website to:

  • find out who you can talk to if you are concerned about your child’s learning and development 
  • browse for local support such as where you can find helpful advice, fun activities or services
  • find out about educational settings in Wolverhampton or nearby for Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Sixth form, Colleges, Further Education and Higher Education
  • find out about travel assistance arrangements for children or young people attending Schools, Colleges or an Early Year’s setting
  • find out what to do in a complex situation, for example challenging decisions about support for children with SEND 
  • employment support and more

Keeping information up to date

It's important that the information on this site is kept up to date. To do this we:  

  • review all the advice information on a regular basis 
  • contact services to keep their information up to date  

Your views matter

We are keen to keep the website under review to ensure it is easy to understand, use and relevant information is made available. To help us develop this website for children, young people with Special Educational Needs or disabilities and their parents and carers, we encourage you to provide feedback.

The feedback section will help us to review and continually improve the Local Offer. Help us to see what you think about provision, if there are any gaps we need to raise and act on. 

The You Said, We Did/Are Doing Annual Feedback Report will allow all to see what actions have been taken from the feedback received. Rest assured those who provide feedback will not be identified or named on the website.   

Accessing this information without internet access

For those without internet access, the options are to: