Support with everyday tasks, help in the home, all age carer support and short breaks information.

Leisure and Short Breaks

SEND supported activities and what short breaks you may be eligible to access.

Support for young people

There is support for young people and also for young carers and siblings.

Support for parents/carers

There are many support networks locally available to you, that you can reach out to for help and guidance.

Autism support

See autism friendly groups, support services you can contact and further guidance and resources.

Care Support the council offer

The council offer many services that are needs assessed to provide a suitable tailored service to you and your child.

Financial Wellbeing

Find out about the financial support and advice that is available to you in Wolverhampton. If you are not sure where to start, you can seek advice from one of the providers on this page.

Living as independently as possible

As you move into adulthood you may be thinking about how you can live more independently.

Specialist Equipment and housing adaptation

Specialist equipment is available for children and young people with a disability or additional needs, both with or without an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan.

Keeping safe

Resources, advice, support and guidance for keeping your child or young person safe from matters such as online safety, bullying, abuse, sexual exploitation, emotional health and wellbeing.