Find helpful information about Nurseries, schools, colleges and specialist provision.
SEND stands for special educational needs or disabilities. Children and young people with SEND may need more support to learn than the majority of their peers.
Find out who you can speak to about any concerns to do with your child’s learning.
Learn about the graduated approach, what it means and how schools can support your child’s needs.
Help in early years, childcare options and more.
Find helpful information about Nurseries, schools, colleges and specialist provision.
A period of change, such as moving from early years setting into primary and then to secondary school or preparing to move into adult life.
Learn about how you will be supported to move into adulthood life.
Find out about travel arrangement from home to an educational setting, help with public transport, driving and accessibility support and more.
Support and advice about when children and young people struggle to attend school due to various emotional factors.
Parents have the right to home educate their child with Special Educational Needs (SEN), at home.
Funding available to schools includes money that they should use to support children with additional needs.
Specialist services may need to be involved with the child’s learning and wellbeing.
Learn about Education, Health and Care Plans and how this may be needed to support your child’s needs.