We want to make sure that the SEND Local Offer website continues to develop to meet the needs of families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Wolverhampton.

Your feedback about the quality of services, any gaps in provision and how easy the information in the Local Offer is to find and understand will be most appreciated. You can also feedback about how the Local Offer has been developed or reviewed here as well.

Those who provide feedback here will not be identified or named on the website, but comments will help shape our response to making improvements.   

Complaints around a specific service, will need to be shared with the service, please do look at how to submit these on the relevant service page.

If you are unable to complete the form, then you can call 01902 552998 between 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Once you have submitted your feedback, please check your email inbox (and junk email) for receipt of this. 

Online Form

Currently the feedback form below is not working, we are working to resolve this. In the meantime, can you please email feedback to localofferenquiries@wolverhampton.gov.uk.

Please indicate which group you belong to: