Early Notification is a form completed by a health care professional to alert the local authority to a potential child (aged 0-5) with SEND needs.

Early Notification of SEND

Early Notification is a form completed by a health care professional to alert the local authority (LA) to a potential child with SEND needs that is under statutory school-age (under 5). The local authority has specialist teams and services available to support children and young people with SEND. By notifying the local authority early to a child or young person that may have SEND it ensures that the child and their family have access to the right support at the right time, so that their needs can be met.

Health professionals must notify the local authority if they identify a child who:

Who can complete an Early Notification form

This form can be completed by one of the following health professionals, alongside parents or carers.

  • Paediatricians/Designated Medical Officers
  • Health Visitors
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Children’s Community Nursing Team
  • School nursing team
  • Consultant Audiologist / Ophthalmologist
  • GP’s

The Local Authority also use the information to make long-term plans for the types of services that may be needed for your child in the future.

Leaflet for parents/carers and professionals