These are Health service we can all access such as GP, Practice Nurse, Dentist, Optician, Health Visitor and School Nurse that can identify what support is needed.

General Practitioner (GP)

GP surgeries are usually the first contact if you have a health problem. They can treat many conditions and give health advice. They can also refer you to other NHS services if needed for further support.

Find out where your local GP surgery is and how to register.

Health Visitors for under 5 years old

Health Visitors specialise in working with parents with a child aged 0 to 5 to learn about being a parent and supporting them to raise a healthy and happy child.

They will also look at your baby’s health and development and do routine developmental checks throughout the baby’s life. You would expect to see a Health Visitor for an assessment of your child’s health, growth and development at early stages and between 2-2.5 years. They can put you in touch with lots of resources that can help you and your baby.

For more information email or call 01902 441057.

School Nursing aged 5-19

When your child is 5 and they have started primary school, the School Nursing Team take over from the Health Visiting Team in providing health support. This continues while they are in full time education and until they are 19 years old. 

Every school across Wolverhampton has access to a named school nurse. They work closely with social care and other professionals, including GPs and Community Paediatricians (children’s doctors).  They work for the NHS and are based in health centres. 

They offer all children the following assessments:

In reception year and year 6, parents will be asked to complete a health questionnaire, this helps to know if your child has any health issues that they can support you with.

Health assessments are also offered for children and young people who are educated at home.

From age 12-16 they offer all young people the following:

A “drop in” session at secondary school - This is run by a school nurse where a young person can get confidential advice about any physical, sexual, or mental health concerns

11-19 year olds can text a school nurse on 07507 332 631 to get confidential advice and support for a range of health and wellbeing issues.

For more information email or call 01902 441057.