Pathways to employment
Workbox resources
Workbox provides useful resources for employment, education, training and advice in Wolverhampton.
Workbox holds information about:
To find more information, training, resources and services relating to Learning Disabilities and being more independent please visit Workbox.
Access to - get support if you have a disability or health condition
The Access to work scheme can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability.
It could give you a grant to help pay for things like:
- specialist equipment and assistive software
- support workers, like a BSL interpreter, a job coach or a travel buddy
- costs of travelling to work, if you cannot use public transport
- adaptations to your vehicle so you can get to work
- physical changes to your workplace
Thrive into work employment support
Thrive into Work offers one-to-one support to individuals with health conditions who want to find and keep employment. You don’t need a formal diagnosis to access Thrive into Work, it’s free and available to people in the West Midlands.
You can self-refer using the online form or speak to your health professional about getting a referral for Thrive into Work employment support.
Check out the website for more information Thrive into Work.
More guidance
For more information about pathways to employment visit Wolverhampton Council website, click Beyond school to see Options for Post 16 Education, Training and Employment.