Specialist equipment is available for children and young people with a disability or additional needs, both with or without an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan.

Equipment is essential for some children and young people to live their life within their community, home or education setting.  

An assessment will be undertaken by one or two of a number of professionals depending on the equipment being considered. This assessment will take place either at home, in an education setting or in a specialist clinic depending on the equipment required.

Services that can support you with being assessed for specialist equipment and adaptation:

Useful links

Finding your own equipment

It is best practice to utilise the services in obtaining equipment as they will provide specialist advice and assistance and follow up care. 

However, if families choose to purchase their own specialist equipment, then they are fully responsible for checking for growth, adjustments, maintenance and servicing. 

There are many companies that offer equipment you can choose to buy from. There are also charities that can help with buying equipment. It is best to discuss these options with the services before you do purchase equipment.

View Help with grants or equipment from voluntary and community organisations within Support for parents/carers for further support.