Through co-production 

Co-production is to support and work together as equal partners to design, plan, deliver and review provision and services in order to achieve shared outcomes. Co-production method recognises children and young people, parent carers and professionals as equally important contributors to decision making due to their differing knowledge, skills, and experience.

With our partners 

SEND and Inclusion Partnership Board 

The Wolverhampton SEND and Inclusion Partnership Board is where senior representatives of key city partner organisations meet to provide strategic direction to improve the lives of children and young people with Special Educational Needs/Disabilities and champion their wish to live an ‘ordinary life’ and achieve their full potential. The Board is responsible for providing strategic direction and supporting joint commissioning to improve the lives of children and young people with SEND.

For more information please visit The SEND & Inclusion Partnership Board.

SEND Local Offer Web Development Group

Representatives support within various steering groups to make SEND improvements that will also influence improvement in the Local Offer for our city. The SEND Local Offer web development group will meet to review and make decisions about the Local Offer. The partnership will be made up of the following organisations: 

  • City of Wolverhampton Council Education, Social Care and Specialist SEND services
  • Voice 4 Parents (Parent Carer Forum)
  • Joint Commissioning Services within Health and the Local Authority
  • Wolverhampton Voluntary sector (WVCA)
  • Royal Wolverhampton Trust
  • Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust  
  • Black Country Integrated Care Board
  • Wolverhampton Information, Advice and Support Service (WIASS)  
  • HY5! Youth Forum

How should the Local Offer be co-produced? 

The SEND Code of practice which provides statutory guidance tells us that we must involve children, young people with SEN or disabilities and their parents in: 

  • Planning the content of the Local Offer  
  • Reviewing the Local Offer, including by enabling them to make comments about it 
  • Deciding how to publish the Local Offer 

How we plan content 

Feedback from surveys, youth engagement sessions and strategic meetings with services across the local authority, health, representative from Voice 4 Parents (parent/carer forum) and voluntary community sector helps shape the site content, including the information and categories within the Local Offer.  

Deciding how to publish the Local Offer 

The decision to move to a dedicated website that focuses on provision for SEND was predominately due to the feedback received about the previous website. That showed many parents and carers found it difficult to access information via the website, and most who have used it had not found it helpful. Also ‘You said, we did’ annual report feedback as well as local inspection findings had impacted the decision to source a new website.   

Reviewing the SEND Local Offer 

We are keen to review feedback and comments to help improve and shape information about the Local Offer. ‘You said, we did’ feedback will help to continually keep the Local Offer under review as well as help inform the quality of our local area provision and identify any gaps to review. We do this through feedback on the website and by workshops, events, engagement sessions and surveys. SEND Local Offer Web Development Group meetings will be held to review the content and development of the Local Offer website.