When to request an Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)

If the child or young person with Special Educational Needs (SEN) is not making expected progress despite the school's best efforts following the graduated approach (Assess, Plan, Do, Review). Then a request will normally be made by your child/young person’s educational setting, with parental consent. Alongside this the child/young person’s and parent/ carers views need to be captured.

How to make a request

Professionals, parent carers and young people aged between 16-25 can make a request to the Local Authority to carry out an assessment to decide whether an EHCP is needed. A request will normally be made by your child/young person’s educational setting, with parental consent.

Professionals can view guidance, complete the assessment request form and email this to SENSTART@wolverhampton.gov.uk

Parent/Carers can view guidance, complete the assessment request form and email this to SENSTART@wolverhampton.gov.uk

A young person aged between 16-25 can view guidance, complete the assessment request form and email this to SENSTART@wolverhampton.gov.uk

Get advice and support

We recommend that you speak to the child or young person’s teacher or Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) first as they will be able to help you complete the assessment request form.

If you would like independent support and advice, you can contact Wolverhampton Information, Advice and Support Service. For more information refer to Wolverhampton Information, Advice and Support Service EHCP Booklet guide.

What happens after you send your request for an assessment

The EHC Needs Assessment is a legal process carried out by the Local Authority (LA) which should take a maximum of 20 weeks to complete.

After the EHC Needs Assessment request is made, the Local Authority have up to 6 weeks from receiving a request to make a decision if an EHC Needs Assessment is required and inform you about this. To make this decision we will consider all of the evidence submitted. Decisions are made by a group of professionals including representatives from Education, Health and Social Care.

If the decision is not to assess then we must give you the reason for the decision and your rights to appeal the decision and consider mediation. Your decision letter tells you how to do this, and how to get support from Wolverhampton Information, Advice and Support Service.

If the Local Authority decide to do an EHC Needs assessment

We will tell you that we are carrying out the EHC Needs Assessment within 6 weeks from receiving a request and continue to gather information.

When the Local Authority (LA) request information as part of the EHC Needs Assessment process, those supplying the information must respond in a timely manner and within a maximum of 6 weeks from the date of the LA request.

Who contributes towards an assessment?

  • Parents/carers
  • The child or young person
  • The setting or school    
  • Professionals working with the child or young person
  • Any other person who the family feel can provide positive contribution

How we listen to your views

Those who are carrying out the assessment must listen to the wishes of the child or young person, and their parents. This is called a person-centred approach.

Decision after an EHC Needs assessment

Local Authority decides whether an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is needed. If we decide, following an EHC needs assessment, not to issue an EHC plan, we must inform you within a maximum of 16 weeks from the original request for the assessment.  If we refuse to issue an EHCP you will receive a Summary of Need. This is not a legal document but will still identify and summarise the child or young person’s needs.

Otherwise, a draft EHCP is issued.

You will be given 15 days to:

  • Approve the draft EHCP
  • Request a particular school or setting
  • Request a personal budget if you would like one

A follow up meeting will be arranged with you, the local authority, school/setting and other professionals to discuss the draft EHCP.

The local authority must consult with your preferred choice of school/setting before naming it in the EHCP. The school/setting has 15 days to respond. The local authority may consult with other schools/settings.

Following consultation with the parent/young person, the draft plan is amended where needed and issued. (We will let the parent/young person know about their rights to appeal.)

Where there are exceptional circumstances, it may not be reasonable to expect local authorities and other partners to comply with the time limits, we will inform you of any reasons for delay.