From Year 9 onwards if your child has a Statement /Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), their annual review will be called a Preparing for Adulthood Review.
This will help to continually update an all rounded active plan to show your child’s changing health, social care and educational needs.
The SEND Code of Practice is very clear that discussions about longer-term goals for young people should start early at Year 9 (age 13-14). These discussions should be person-centred and focus on your child’s strengths, capabilities, outcomes they want to achieve and will take place at every annual review from Year 9 onwards.
They will include preparation for:
- continuing education, training or employment
- independent living
- participating in society
- being as healthy as possible in adult life.
For more information on when a young person prepares to move into adulthood, visit Transition - City of Wolverhampton Council.
Connexions service have produced a helpful guide for young people with SEND and for their parent or carer to view that includes Getting ready for Preparing for Adulthood, which will start from Year 9.
For further guidance view National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) resources for preparing for adulthood.
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