Travel Assistance provides home-to-school transport. School and college transport for SEND pupils and additional transport support in exceptional circumstances.

School and college transport for SEND pupils 

Local authorities must provide free home to school travel arrangements they consider necessary to help the attendance at school of eligible children resident in their area. Although there is no duty to provide assistance for areas of 0–4 year olds and post–16–19 years, we currently offer assistance in this area for eligible children.

The Education Act 1996 (or Education and Inspections Act 2006), in particular sections 508 A-F and 35B, contains the law on home-to-school transport. The government has also issued statutory guidance called Home-to-School Travel. Local Authorities must have regard to this when carrying out their duties on home-to-school travel, transport, and sustainable travel.  

This means that the City of Wolverhampton Council will ensure that within reason suitable travel arrangements are made where necessary to facilitate an eligible child’s attendance at school. 

When planning transport, we take a person-centred approach and will look to provide specialist vehicles and equipment where required.

We also offer Independent Travel Training (ITT) and school bus passes. For any advice or information, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team.

Exceptional Circumstances for children, young people and adults  

City of Wolverhampton Council may choose to provide travel assistance for an individual in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances are by definition exceptional and there is no ‘fixed’ set of exceptional circumstances in which City of Wolverhampton Council will provide travel assistance for an individual.  

Applications for travel assistance in exceptional circumstances must be supported by evidence. Application may be rejected if suitable supporting evidence is not provided and will also be subject to regular review.

Contact us 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our team who will be more than happy to help.